Video Transcript
Welcome to Wild of the World and in this episode one of the true highlights of north Australia.
We’re right between Western Australia and the Northern Territory, and this behind me is Lake Argyle.
The trip started some weeks ago in colourful Broome, and from there we drove into lush nature following the Gibb River Road. That was a great start, but after that we visited the incredible Bungle Bungles.
On the way to the next adventure we went to a free water park. In El Questro we hiked through the incredible Emma Gorge. We had total relaxation in the local hot springs.
We leave El Questro behind and with that also the Gibb River Road. We move to the first town that we see it’s called Kununurra on our way to the Northern Territory. It’s a small town but in terms of Northern Australia this is actually the biggest town that we visit.
We have a campsite here it’s called Kimberly Land right next to this beautiful lake. The lake is called Lily Creek Lagoon and I already see a lot of birds. They’re supposed to be some crocodiles in there and the nature is lovely. There’s also a lot of things to do here in Kununurra, so we stay here for a couple of days to chillax and have some fun with the kids.
This campsite was a favourite among our family for the vibrant ad atmosphere, and for the views on that Lily Creek Lagoon.
On my way to the restrooms I saw an Ibis eating a frog, it made me very hungry I guess. We still enjoy the awesome setup of the camper from by Broome and Beyond, we fold it down and are on our way.
In 1 hour we drive the very scenic route to the next nature site at Lake Argyle. It’s family fun time, we arrived at Lake Argyle.
Lake Argyle is a stunning piece of nature as you can witness behind me, but it was originally made by men in 1971. The Ord River Dam was built creating this 1,000 square km reservoir and nowadays there are many species of fish living inside the lake, There are many species of birds and some 25,000 crocodiles live inside here. We’re going to make a lovely boat trip around the lake, and we stay at the campsite right on the riverside.
The last part of the way looks very promising as we drive one of the most spectacular roads of this trip. We arrived just in time for dinner. Healthy food guys, well and unhealthy drinks of course, but there’s a lemon inside so we got vitamin C.
So about this campsite, there is only one in the entire area, and it’s on the very best spot. The Drone gives us quite the preview. That pool down there is about as famous as the lake itself, which has everything to do with the views
It’s almost sunset and everybody is gathering here for the best feature of this campsite at Lake Argyle, which is the view from the infinity pool – look at this.
We had a wonderful night’s rest here at Lake Argyle, after seeing that beautiful sunset last night from the infinity pool. The sun woke us up, it wasn’t that cold this night so we didn’t use 100 blankets this time, just in time to get ready for our boat ride. Because today we’re going to make a 4 hour boat ride, it costs a lot, but we’re supposed to see the entire lake and the surroundings – let’s go.
In the morning we drive to the Ord River Dam that created this enormous reservoir in the first place.
Then we hop over from the Bus to the Catamaran. With beautiful weather we observe the colourful man-made lake that’s actually the largest in Western Australia, and I got the camera ready to spot some wildlife.
We were just at Crocs Bay guys and we saw about a dozen crocodiles huh Yens?
It wasn’t very hard to spot the Crocs, since they love to sunbath on the shores. We did see a lot of them in action also though.
Oh, we spot this Australian Darter too, while Yens is on the lookout for Crocodiles. He just loves to be the tour guide.
It’s amazing all the animals that we see, we saw a lot of fish, we saw the crocodiles and now we’re off to see the Rock Wallabies. These so-called short eared Rock Wallabies are some of Australia’s cutest animals only found along the north coast of the country, and I really wanted to take one home.
Next to the Cormorants we spot the nest of a black necked stalk, locally named Jabiru.
So Captain what’s our status?
Came down to Croc Bay, checked out a few crocs. Went down here fed a few fish. Came down to this Island and checked out our shorted eared Rock Wallabies, went down to Jabiru Rock and now we’re over here on our mooring.
Uh remember those 25,000 crocodiles how crazy are we to do this?
So at last it’s time for a swim in the lake, and I even have a beer with me, so I say cheers to Lake Argyle.
Having the fun that we had we totally forgot about the crocs, we built a sandwich for lunch and enjoyed the local beers.
So that’s it unfortunately for this episode about Lake Argyle, but as you can see it’s really worth your while.
We saw all the animals, we saw the beautiful Lake, we had a beer swimming in Lake Argyle, and I’ll see you next time, because of course we have more ground to cover all the way to Darwin – Cheers.
We jump in the pool for one last time before we get on the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again to Katherine.
So join us next time for the Northern Territory. A quick city trip in Darwin, and our island hopping adventure in Vanuatu and Fiji.
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Wout of the World
Online travel show in Dutch and English with World traveler and actor Wout of the World. In dozens of episodes Wout takes you out for adventure all over the world, always in the most budget-friendly way. Enjoy over 120 countries from your couch, phone or the computer.