Video Transcript
Welcome to this brand new episode of Wout of the World, and this time, a truly big adventure.
We’re crossing the northern Coast of Australia. We start in Broome, and we go all the way to Darwin and Western Australia and the Northern Territory. I’m looking forward to it.
Oh, yes, we’re back. And this time, we fly off from the Netherlands to travel half the globe.
We spend one night in the city of Perth, and let Jens decide what’s for dinner.
Then we’re off to Broome, to pick up our adventure machine, a 4×4 camper van of Broome and Beyond. What I should tell you guys is that there’s something special about this episode because we’ve been here before. About one and a half year ago, we did the West Coast of Australia in a similar camper van of WA Experts, from Perth to Broome. And now we take off from here, so it’s nice to be back.
Let’s start there at our arrival in Broome in the summertime. Wow, guys, it’s another super hot day today. It’s nearly 50 degrees celsius, and we just stopped for gas on the way. This is called the Savannah Way. It’s right in the middle of the desert. And there is a wind, but it feels more like an oven.
And I think when we get to Broome, the first thing we need is a swimming pool.
We’re here, guys. This is Broome. After a month of travelling along the West Coast of Australia, we started in Perth, saw all the beautiful things on the way, and now we stepped outside, and already the air feels more tropical. It’s humid, it’s warm, and this is Broome. We have four days left to explore Look at the area. It’s so beautiful here.
Yes, guys, that area around Broome is worth it. This is the most southern point of a region called the Kimberly Coast, a geological paradise where fossils, pearls, but even dinosaur tracks can be found.
Broome is a cozy little town, but especially the surroundings make it a great town. If you drive for 15 minutes to either side, you will find the ocean, which is blue, the mangrove trees inside, the red sands, and the beautiful rocks. The first stop that we make today is Roebuck Bay, just a little east of the town.
From Roebuck Bay, we drove about 15 minutes to the other side of Broome, on the most southwestern point. It’s called Gantheaume Point, and you will find even more beautiful colours here. The green, the red rocks, and the most beautiful blue ocean I have seen so far here on the West Coast. And it’s especially beautiful from above with the drone.
Back in 1801, when Australia was still called New Holland, this cape was named after Honoré Ganton, during a French expedition.
At low tide, you can spot dinosaur footprints from the coast.
Again, we notice that this area is particularly quiet. In places like this, we are all alone. Could Western Australia perhaps be the traveller’s best kept secret?
From Broome, it’s totally worth it to drive up north for an hour or so because there are two significant places along these dirt roads, and you’ll find the first one at about half an hour, which is called Willies Creek.
At Willies Creek, there are some oyster farms. At the oyster farms, they do not only catch the oysters, but they also find pearls in them. The pearls, they can sell, so it’s a real business over here. After that, we’ll drive on to the next spot, which is James Price Point. On the Rocks, a beautiful view over the ocean. I don’t have to tell you guys that the road over there is already very adventurous.
So this is what an oyster farm looks like. I wasn’t expecting a barnyard with wooden doors, but this is incredible.
And this is James Price Point with the beautiful red rocks.
Back to the present and our new trip from Broome. This time, guys, we’re really going to Broome and Beyond, because that’s actually the company where we rented our camper, Broome and Beyond. It’s an upgrade from the last time, is what I can tell you. Check it out.
Now, this is what I call camping.
We already find many birds. A yellow-spotted monitor lizard. Some possums and camels?
Cable Beach is Broomes’ most famous beach. It’s 22 kilometers long. It has beautiful white sand and incredible turquoise water.
It’s bordered by some sand dunes and red cliffs, and it’s within walking distance of our caravan park. It’s about a 10-minute walk. At night, there’s the most beautiful sunset that you can watch on the entire Western Coast, and you can make a camel ride here on the beach. How awesome is that? Okay, that explains a lot. Apart from the clear beauty of this hotspot, it’s also the best place to hang out with friends and family, and plenty of space to place your towel, too.
We spot this green tree frog and hang out at the local bar, where something really special is about to happen. While we’re sitting here, We saw over there in the water, Jens, what did we see?
A Walvis.
Yes, a Walvis. That’s a whale. Over there in the water.
Here’s another fun fact, guys. I don’t know if you saw how broad that beach was when I was flying with the drone, but now the water has almost come all the way to the cliffs. It’s a big difference. It’s a short walk to the water now.
At night, we return to see the spectacular sunset. Everybody is gathering here like we’re counting down for New Year’s, so we’re anxious to see it.
Guys, we went back to watch the sunset, and it is indeed beautiful. What can we say? The sky is on fire tonight.
Guys, we had the most amazing first night in Australia. Of course, not the first night ever, but the first night this year. We slept up in this tent on the car of Broome and Beyond. Here in Broome, we woke up by the sounds of the birds and the sun burning on the rooftop. It’s an excellent first day. We are right next to the pool, so we’re going to have a swim here at Cable Beach Caravan Park in Broome.
It might be Australia, but it’s still wintertime over here.
We’re here in July, and the pool is supposed to be really cold, but I’m hot, so let’s go in.
Oh, freezing. There you go. Oh, yes.
We leave Broome behind and start the road trip through the most adventurous part of Australia.
We drove for 2 hours from Broome when we arrive at the little town called Derby, and this is the gateway into the Kimberly’s to the Gibb River Road that we’re going to drive.
It’s a beautiful scenery, but I advise you to stop here to stack up on gas, food, water, and everything you need for a couple of days or weeks when you’re going to drive into the Kimberly’s.
Once we get to the Gibb River Road, it’s very important that you check your tire pressure. It should be around 30 PSI, so we have this little device, it’s now at 40. And after the Gibb River Road, of course, I have a device to pump them up again.
We better get used to this scenery because this is what the next month will look like, and I love it. About one and a half 2 hours from Derby, we start seeing the spectacular Wynjana Gorge, and it looks like we’re driving straight into it.
Well guys, unfortunately, that’s it for today’s episode with our start from Broome to Darwin on the big Northern Australia road trip. But be sure to watch next time because we’ll be visiting the Gibb River Road. And don’t forget to like and subscribe to see even more adventure.
Here’s a bit of what you can expect. And don’t miss any episodes because we’ll be travelling for a long time.

Wout of the World
Online travel show in Dutch and English with World traveler and actor Wout of the World. In dozens of episodes Wout takes you out for adventure all over the world, always in the most budget-friendly way. Enjoy over 120 countries from your couch, phone or the computer.